MTDashboard: Teachers’ Dashboards for Monitoring and Orchestration

The MTDashboard is a multi-platform teacher’s tool that contains both controlling and awareness components. The dashboard can be displayed at a handheld tablet device that the teacher carried while walking around the classroom to monitor student progress. The design of this dashboard was driven by the requirements specified by the teacher. The design was also based on principles of classroom orchestration of regulation and awareness  and inspired by similar technologies applied in related work.


The awareness tool  was iteratively built and evaluated in the lab and in pilot studies was deployed in long term classroom studies. This deployment consisted of a longitudinal class experience running across two full university (semester) courses with four instructors (all different from those in the previous evaluation stages). The classroom experience involved three different learning tasks and 145 students. In this study, a full version of the awareness tool was provided.


The figure below shows an example screen; this had functions for the instructor to control the learning technology A and B). It also showed one visualisation per group (D) and it included the provision of notifications (squares with rounded corners around visualisations –E) that were automatically triggered when misconceptions were detected or when groups achieved at least 50% of the task as the instructor had pre-defined it. The dashboard reflected the change in student behaviour or the interventions performed by the instructor. For example, if the instructor attended to a group that had a misconception, the dashboard updated in real-time when (and if) the group had addressed that misconception.



Martinez-Maldonado, R., Kay, J., Yacef, K., Edbauer, M. and Dimitriadis, Y. (2013) MTClassroom and MTDashboard: Supporting Analysis of Teacher Attention in an Orchestrated Multi-tabletop Classroom. International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2013, pages 320-327 (Nominated to Best Student Paper Award).

Martinez-Maldonado, R., Clayphan, A., Yacef, K. and Kay, J. (2015) MTFeedback: providing notifications to enhance teacher awareness of small group work in the classroomIEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, TLT, 8(2): 187-200.

Martinez-Maldonado, R., Clayphan, A., and Kay, J (2015). Deploying and Visualising Teacher’s Scripts of Small Group Activities in a Multi-Surface Classroom Ecology: a study in-the-wild. International Journal on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW, 24(2): 177-221.

Martinez-Maldonado, R., Yacef, K., Kay, J., and Schwendimann, B. (2012) An interactive teacher’s dashboard for monitoring multiple groups in a multi-tabletop learning environment.  International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pages 482-492. (Google Publication Prize 2012).

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