Roberto Martinez-Maldonado is a postdoctoral research associate in the Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia, working with Prof. Simon Buckingham Shum. He obtained his doctorate degree in 2014 from the Computer Human Adapted Interaction Research Group (CHAI) at the University of Sydney, Australia. He worked on Prof. Peter Goodyear’s Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellowship program – ‘Learning, technology and design: architectures for productive networked learning’ at Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition (CoCo) in the University of Sydney.
His areas of expertise include Human Computer Interaction, Learning Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Education. In the past 5 years, his research has been focused on applying data mining techniques to help understand how people learn and collaborate, empowering people with emerging technologies, combining available technologies for capturing traces of collaboration and helping teachers to orchestrate their classroom through the use of interactive tabletops.